Space for... das bedeutet wir wollen Platz machen und euch alle vorstellen, die uns geholfen haben. Und was wären wir, ohne unsere Models! Wir könnten euch keines unserer Lieblingsstück zeigen, und deshalb freuen wir uns immer wieder über die Unterstützung von tollen, jungen Frauen, die Spaß daran haben mit uns zu arbeiten!



Erfahre hier mehr im Interview mit Katarzyna:


Whats your name, age and where are you from / currently living? 

Katarzyna, 26

What is your profession besides modeling?


How did you get into modeling?

Not really sure if I have ever got into there, haha.

What kind of garment would you like to be and why?

A summer dress, it reminds me of warm days and sunsets on a beach.

If you could make one wish, what would it be?

Can I have a chocolate fountain, please?

Who did you always want to meet for a coffee and a chat?

An old lady living next door, she plays piano every morning and seems to be an interesting creature!

How do you integrate the topic of sustainability into your everyday life and have you ever thought about sustainable clothing?

I started with small steps, trying to become environmentally aware and choose more ethical products on a daily basis.

Is there something you always wanted to say?

Stop worrying about other people's expectations!