Space for... das bedeutet wir wollen Platz machen und euch alle vorstellen, die uns geholfen haben. Und was wären wir, ohne unsere Models! Wir könnten euch keines unserer Lieblingsstück zeigen, und deshalb freuen wir uns immer wieder über die Unterstützung von tollen, jungen Frauen, die Spaß daran haben mit uns zu arbeiten!



Erfahre hier mehr im Interview mit Stephanie:


Whats your name, age and where are you from / currently living? 

My name is Stephanie Moog. I´m 26 years old from Bolivia but currently living in Munich

What is your profession besides modeling?

Mechanical Engineer, finishing my master´s degree soon.

How did you get into modeling?

My cousin is a model back at home and someone from her agency saw me at her wedding and that´s how it all started.

What kind of garment would you like to be and why?

I would be my favorite pair of pants. There´s is nothing like the confidence it gives you a good pair of pants.

If you could make one wish, what would it be?

I wish people would be more aware of mental health and that we would learn to take care of our minds from the time we are young.

Who did you always want to meet for a coffee and a chat?

I never thought about a person I would like to meet for coffee and a chat because I don´t think I would be able to talk to them openly in that setting. I guess I have thought about how it would be to be a friend of some of the greatest leaders and have the confidence of talking to them and having discussions about different controversial topics. Ruth Bader Ginsburg for example.

How do you integrate the topic of sustainability into your everyday life and have you ever thought about sustainable clothing?

Coming from a third world country, sustainability was not part of my life at all. When I moved to Germany, I had that big eye-opening moment when I started changing things around me. For me, sustainability is about being conscious about the decision we make everyday (products, food, etc). I try to improve step by step.

Is there something you always wanted to say?

Everyone is fighting their own battle, just try to be nice and empathetic.